Bad Weather.  All-day rain, high winds or when the coast guard has issued a small craft advisory. You have the option of receiving a full refund or rescheduling your day. After all, it's not your fault if mother nature has a hissy fit!

NO REFUND! If you reschedule or postpone your rental less than 48 hours before the booking.

20% captain service fee mandatory! (paid directly to captain on charter via zelle, Cash, Cash App, etc) 

Failure to pay 20% to the captain will be charged to your credit card with penalties. 

There are no refunds for cancellation under 72 hours for the following holidays:

Memorial Day

4th of July

Labor Day weekends

All holiday cancellations you lose your payment so please be sure!

You are a NO SHOW after 60 minutes. CALL IMMEDIATELY if you are running late AT (512) 593-1852 or you lose your PAYMENT.

If you book multiple boats and then cancel one or more of them THE SAME POLICY APPLIES. We will not offset the payment against the boat you are still taking.

Boats are confirmed by a specific boat name. If a boat in the same category is not available we will upgrade you to the next category at no additional charge.

No drinking and driving. It's the LAW! NO BUI (Boating Under the Influence)!

BALANCE the passengers on the boat so it does not list to one side or ride bow down in the water. To many people in the bow converts the pontoon into a submarine, and that is never good!

You MUST have a fully charged cell phone on board and keep it turned on. We recommend you bring a zip lock bag as cell phones and saltwater are not friends.

No towing of any boat for any reason.

No diving or jumping off boats while in motion, as tempting as it may seem at the time.

No bow riding - all passengers MUST remain inside the railings while the boat is in motion, it's the law.

No fires or grilling on boats - you may bring a grill to cook out on the island.

There is a 24-hour reservation window


No spray-on sunscreen. (Liability Purposes)

We recommend condensed personal items. No large luggage or coolers. Please keep in mind we do provide coolers and ice.

We provide life jackets. Children 6 and under must wear a life jacket at all times while on the boat - it's the LAW! We provide USCG-approved life jackets for children and infants of all sizes.

Stay between channel markers at all times while in a marked channel. Remember: RED, RIGHT, RETURN.

We obey Wake Zones at all times. The designated No Wake Zone is from our docks to the last house in the channel as well as 200 feet away from any anchored vessel or island beach.


SINCE A CAPTAIN IS PROVIDED, YOU ARE ABSOLVED OF YOUR LIABILITY ON DRIVER DAMAGE TO THE BOAT! (This excludes any damage your party might cause to the interior of the boat, such as rips in the upholstery, cigarette burns or willful destruction of property). No need to worry about crashing into other boats or damaging the propeller. Your captain is responsible for this. If a passenger breaks anything on accident, you break it, you bought it! And nope, we do not offer insurance.


We offer mobile service to come to you. While this is convenient, we required the following.

Rental Policies

A signed Rental Agreement is required that includes a Release of Liability clause.  The Rental Agreement must be signed by a parent or guardian if paddle boarder or Kayakers are under the age of 18.

Participants are financially responsible for lost or damaged equipment. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Kayak check-out procedures

Before leaving JCI Boating Rentals, you are responsible for inspecting all equipment carefully and to bring any missing or damaged equipment to a staff member's attention. Make sure any discrepancies are noted on the rental agreement. Failure to note any discrepancies may result in a fee for damaged or missing equipment. If needed, please ask a staff member for assistance with inspection and/or instructions on how to properly set up the equipment.

It generally takes up to 30 minutes to check out the watercraft. Please consider this as you make your reservation. Deviation from this time may result in delays as equipment may not yet be prepared.

Kayak check-in procedures

Equipment must be returned within 30 minutes of the time and date listed on your rental. Returns later than 30 minutes of the listed time may incur a late fee. A cleaning fee of $5.00 per unit (Paddle Board or Kayak) will be collected if they are not returned in the same condition they left. You will be charged for equipment that is dirty, damaged, or missing, up to and including the cost to replace such equipment (See FAQ for replacement estimates) at the current equipment costs, regardless of the age of the equipment.

Equipment left unattended (during Closed hours) at any lake or ocean will be charged a $25.00 fee regardless of the reason unless arrangements are made beforehand with a staff member. Should the equipment be lost or stolen while left unattended, the renter will be responsible for all replacement costs at full retail prices.

Equipment Damage: Rental Fees do not cover any portion of damages to the equipment. Any damaged equipment interfering with the rental or reservation of another will be charged the entire cost of the other rental in addition to all equipment repair and/or replacement costs.